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The WorldsAway 2.4 client was designed to operate with a range of web browsers … the compatible versions of which are all now obsolete. It communicates with them by means of DDE channels - Direct Data Exchange. This is also now obsolete, and no modern browsers support this.

At present, starting the client produces a “No browser is specified in the fjwa.ini file” error on startup.

Adding the path to a browser executable will allow the client to open a browser. but because the browsers no longer talk DDE, you will still get a “Web browser does not appear to be running. Do you want to start it?” message every time you start the client and in every URL link you request to open. It will, however, open the URL if you click Yes.

To add the browser, find your fjwa.ini file. On modern windows it is located in the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore\Windows

Edit the fjwa.ini file with Notepad, and add this at the end:

program=“rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler “

You can also specify a particular browser by pointing directly at its executable:

program=C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

You need to add both program= and ddename= for the client to accept the settings. Given DDE is not supported by any of the browsers, what you put in the ddename is irrelevant.

client/browser.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/08 09:27 by amanda