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Artwork is the foundation of a world. If you are a digital artist that wishes to see your work in our worlds, we would love to accommodate you. Please note the following points, however:

General points
  • All work must be your own, or you are acting on behalf of the rights owner, and you must be able to give us a non-exclusive perpetual licence to use and distribute it in-world. We will expect a signed legal undertaking to this effect.
  • Art must fit in with the general style of the world it is intended to be used in. This typically involves using a black outline and shading. Objects must be proportionate to the existing avatars and objects. There is a fixed 256 color palette you will need to use.
  • Regions are composed of many individual elements layered to produce a scene. To allow for changes and re-use, you should submit these individual elements rather than a single picture designed to occupy the entire screen.
  • An individual image can actually be created from assembling smaller bitmaps held within the file. (e.g. any individual view of an avatar is generally assembled from a torso and separate arm and leg parts, possibly flipped horizontally.) You should make use of this option when designing your art if it avoids repetition.
  • Artwork for objects intended to be carried around or used in the foreground should include front, back, left and right views. If one is a mirror of another, this can be accommodated in the software.
  • If possible and sensible, please allow for repaintable objects by designing using the replaceable colors section of the palette.
  • We are unable to offer any payment for any art submitted and used.
  • We cannot guarantee that any art will be used even if accepted, or where it will be used.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, any art submitted may be reused at any time for alternate purposes.
  • We can however generate some statistics of how your art is being used (how many objects use it, for instance) on request.
Limited Editions
  • If you wish to limit your art to your own use, your friends, or your customers, this can be accommodated by special agreement; this is mainly so we are aware of what artwork would be involved. Any agreements or payments you receive are your own business. We will create a fixed number of objects utilizing the art on-request, or can create you a private vending machine from which you can copies on-demand.
  • We will not be responsible for any such objects lost, misplaced, pawned or stolen, however to maintain good relationships with all concerned, we may attempt to remedy the situation by locating or replacing the objects on request.
  • To be clear, as long as a prior agreement with us is in place, you may sell in-world objects featuring your own artwork using any means you wish, be that in-world tokens, barter, fiat currencies or crypto currencies, through negotiations in-world, through your own website, or via any other means. However under no circumstances will we be held liable for any disputes, losses or claims made regarding such transactions. Should we be approached by a customer of yours, and we believe that they have a genuine grievance, we may offer to replace or duplicate an object if this would resolve the issue. This would be the limit of our assistance.
  • Should an object featuring your artwork be lost due to a software, hardware or other fault we consider our responsibility, then we will locate or replace the object immediately we are advised of the situation.
  • In some circumstances we can add a “credit” line to the “Tell Me About” on any object featuring your artwork. This is only for exceptional circumstances, and is not guaranteed, as it is currently a manual intervention needed to add this. If this would be a deal breaker, and you have a lot of art you wish to offer, then we might be persuaded to produce a technical solution to this if our costs involved could be addressed somehow.

Make a Dress

art/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/12 23:30 by clyde