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LowRider's Bingo Card

Get the software

Install the Software

The download will result in s setup progam for Windows: Bingo Card v1.0 Setup.exe. Run this program will do the job for you. you will get Desktop Icon to start the card.

This has been confirmed to work for:

  • Windows 7 pro 64 bit on Visual Box by Quax (25.Feb 2021)


  • Linux / Wine

Run the Software

Start your AltAways Client and log in.. If your client is not up and running, LowRider's Bingocard fails to to detect the Worlds Window by itself and pop up an error message telling you the bloody truth about the missing client.

Start the Bingo card by clicking on your desktop. This results in your Bingocard:

List of Submenues

(thanks to LowRider . most of them are quite self explaining…)

This allows you to set up and control each of your cards in detail

Playing the game

(This is taken from the HELP Menu → How to Play.. of LowRiders Card)

1. When Host says * Starting New Game * click on Register Card 1, Register Card 2 etc… depending on how many cards the Host will allow per game with a maximum of 10 cards. Go to View Menu for more cards.

2. When Host announces which Bingo Game or Jackpot Game, click on (Select Game) bar arrow for Bingo Game or click (None) bar arrow for Jackpot Game. One click will place game automatically or you can select which Bingo Game or Jackpot Game manually.

3. When Host is ready to call numbers, click the Activate Auto button. The button will turn blue and show Auto On. The registered cards will start marking red squares as the numbers are called. When there is a Bingo or Jackpot called the squares will turn blue to show the Bingo or Jackpot on your cards. The Activate Auto button will turn off automatically if you called a Bingo or Jackpot. If the Host continues the same round, you will need to turn Auto On again.

4. If the round ended and Host is ready to start a new round, then click Cards in the Menu and Clear/Reset your cards. You are ready to register your cards again to start a new round game.

5. Helpful Notes: To turn off a Jackpot game after someone wins the Jackpot, right-click the Jackpot Game bar arrow to set automatically back to (None) or you can set back to (None) manually to turn off Jackpot.

Next Note, you can go to File Menu and Save Card Sets if you want to Load a favorite Card Set later.

Next Note, you can change numbers on any of the 10 cards before registering the card by double clicking the grey squares to turn it blue and type in a valid number for that column. Once you are satisfied, you can register the card.

Last note, you can go to View Menu and select Color Theme to change the color of your Bingo Card.

Buttons & Functions Overview

Register Card 1 click to register card 1, click again to reset card 1
Register Card 2 click to register card 2, click again to reset card 2
BINGO click to call BINGO!
JACKPOTclick to call JACKPOT
Bingo Game Use the drop down list to set the bingo game mode announced by the host
Jackpot Game Use the drop down list to set the jackpot game mode announced by the host
Host Infofield, read only.. should show your game host after card is registered
Activate Auto / Auto ON toggles Auto mode on or off
WTG send text: WTG
GLE send text: Good luck all
TY Host send ESP to host: Thank you for hosting!
#'s Left Infofield: Bingo numbers left to be called by host

Settings for Janet, the friendly Bingo Host Bot

(last updated 22.Feb.2021)

The Bot is perfect for testing.. ;-)


  • Activate ONLY 1 CARD! (or only the last one will be used!)
  • BINGO GAME: 1 Easy Line
  • Jackpot GAME: Blackout

prepared? .. just say play bingo for the Bot to drop in and have fun …

games/lowridersbingocard.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/15 13:30 by quax