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Kenn Flee's Bingo Card

Get the software

Just download Bingo95 by Kenn Flee ZIP File: This results in a file named BINGO95.ZIP in your download directory.

Install the Software

You have to unpack / unzip BINGO95.ZIP file .. most Operational Systems have a default tool to do this for you intalled by default. (If you are running a really old WINDOWS system you will need an extra tool, try for example 7zip 7zip)

The ZIP File will unpack in a file named BINGO95 containing:

Bingo95.ini an ini file containg set up information
Bingo95.plp help file WinFormat .. does not work for me in W7
Bingo95.exe the card progam itself. You have to run this!

You may copy the BINGO95 file to you desktop for easy access, there is NO ICON generated.

This has been confirmed to work for:

  • Windows 7 pro 64 bit on Visual Box (no help support?) by Quax (22.Feb 2021)


  • Linux / Wine

Run the Software

Start your AltAways Client and log in.. if your client is not up and running, BINGO95 may fail to to detect the Worlds Window by itself even if you start the Client later…

Chance to the file BINGO95 and run Bingo95.exe by double clicking the file:

The Programm will pop up and shows a simple card

If the Size of the card is ok for you.. you are ready to play!

Resize a tiny BINGO card

Resize is done in the Preference sub menu

  • Click on File, a Sub Window will open..
  • Choose Preferences .

Select the scale factor that matches your needs most.

Playing the game

Start your AltAway Client and log in, it is important that your client is already running before you start the BINGO95.exe because the Bingo software scans for a running client to connect to via DDE-API (a Windows interface for programs to exchange data) The card will not work if this connection is not detected.. typical indication for this is no detection of a Bingo Game Host call for register.

There is a host asking to register your bingo cards? See the host name in the Host field appear? CLICK the Register Button … that will send all your activated cards to the host and you will get an ESP telling you to be registered.

The Host will announce that the time for registration will end real soon.. and he will close registration. After this happens, you can't register any longer for that round.. so keep an eye on the hosts messages.

Next the host will fire up the draw.. telling a lot of numbers..

You have to check the numbers either by yourself and click a matching on on your card my mouse or use the AUTO button that will auto fill all numberers that have been announced by the host already. AUTO does not continue to work for new numbers! So you have to click AUTO each time a new number is called.

Seeing your card fill up, check yourself against the Bingo Play pattern asked to win. There is NO autodetect for BINGO nor for JACKPOT!

So you have to click BINGO Button or JACKPOT Button by your own.. hell.. that is near to real life Bingo, isn't it?

After the first Bingo the game may go on for the JACKPOT … so keep your focus…

No luck this round? .. Don't worry… try the next game: Click the Clear button to initiate new random cards for the next game..

Now you are ready for the next registration call of your game host..


ref 1) to register your card software send your cardnumbers as a set to the game host, so the host knows your card… The Host will confirm your card by a ESP.. this may take a moment, if the host is busy with other players in the room.. but take care that the host gets your card! (if not.. just register again.. till register time is not closed)

ref 2) click Auto will check all Numbers already send by the host.. you have to click AUTO again if there are new numbers announced by the host!

ref 3) The clear button is used to reset your bingo card and generate a new random card. So this may be used on a new game.

ref4) BINGO and JACKPOT are the winner buttons you have to click if you meet the requested pattern for BINGO or JACKPOT. There is NO auto call in BINGO95!

Buttons & Functions Overview

Bingo! call bingo
Jackpot!call jackbot
Register register the card
Clear clears the card and generates a new random card
AUTO gets all numbers already announced by host and fill the card
File opens a sub menue use Preference for resize your card
Help sub menu, help itself does not work for me (Win7)

Settings for Janet, the friendly Bingo Host Bot

(last updated 24.Feb.2021)

The Bot is perfect for testing.. ;-)

BINGO95 needs no tuning for Janet… a perfect match out of the box.


  • Activate ONLY 1 CARD! (or only the last one will be used!)

prepared? .. just say play bingo for the Bot to drop in and have fun …

games/kennfleesbingocard.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/24 14:51 by quax