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Region Flags

These can be set from

  • Scenebuilder Menu > Modify Region Flags
  • Fiddle > Region >Modify
  • Fiddle > Modify Object > (choose noid 0) > region_flags (add numerics) (and immediately Reload Region)
numeric Fiddle Menu Desription
8 Owner Required (turfs.)
16 * * Clone Region - normal entry will create a clone.
32 closed.
64 * * Hatchery. New avatars generated in here will be deleted if they log out without exiting to a non-hatchery region.
256 * * At least Helper status needed to enter.
512 * * At least Guide status needed to enter.
1024 * * At least Wizard status needed to enter.
2048 No Visitors allowed (turfs.)
8192 * No Games.
16384 * * Direct Login Allowed.
32768 * Trace on (not impemented yet)
65536 * Public locale (used for some games.)
131072 Do Not Re-enter. (if logout, do not save this location to re-enter on login.)

Do Not Re-enter would be used for mazes, special areas, seasonal areas etc., where you wish an avatar to be returned to the start locale should they logout and back in. Mazes, particularly, so they don't get trapped.

Clearing the Owner Required bit on the entry region of a turf will allow non-owners to visit that turf even if there are no owners present (subject to the usual Allow Guests flags)

65536 allows normal users to shift/ctrl drag Glued (not immobile) items around. (In standard client, not SB.)

builders/region_flags.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/13 00:01 by amanda