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Doors operate normally.

You can however adjust the default “Pass though” message by using a fiddle to alter the “mood” field on the object.

0 (default) Pass Through
1 Climb up
2 Climb down
3 Climb over
4 Go up
5 Go down
6 Squeeze through
7 Sneak through
9 Burst through


Standard flags plus

32 Restricted do not allow user to lock/unlock. Locked doors need a key in hand to pass.

set connection field to the region id of the normal destination.


connectionKeynn - (key locked doors only) alternate destination if specific key held.
connectionInvalidKey - (key locked doors only) alternate destination when no valid key held. If more than one destinations is specified, separated by spaces, a random one will be picked.

builders/doors.1638996349.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/08 20:45 by amanda