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Doors operate normally.

You can however adjust the default “Pass though” message by using a fiddle to alter the “mood” field on the object.

0 (default) Pass Through
1 Climb up
2 Climb down
3 Climb over
4 Go up
5 Go down
6 Squeeze through
7 Sneak through
9 Burst through


Standard flags plus

32 Restricted do not allow user to lock/unlock. Locked doors need a key in hand to pass.

set connection field to the region id of the normal destination.


Normally, key locked doors only allow avatar to pass through if the correct key is held. This operation cane be altered by setting the following properties -

connectionKeynn - (key locked doors only) alternate destination if specific key held.
connectionInvalidKey - (key locked doors only) alternate destination when no valid key held. If more than one destinations is specified, separated by spaces, a random one will be picked.

builders/doors.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/23 21:12 by amanda