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builders:bunnydayz [2022/07/02 16:33] – created amanda | builders:bunnydayz [2022/07/02 16:45] (current) – explain multiple values, explain multiple triggers amanda |
This plugin is in active development; if you cannot achieve what you want, ask, and it may be extended. | This plugin is in active development; if you cannot achieve what you want, ask, and it may be extended. |
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Create an object of type <204 Bus Stop> -temporary id; this may change. | Create a trigger object of type <204 Bus Stop> (temporary id; this may change.) |
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Set properties on this in the form\\ | Set properties on this in the form\\ |
<from|to>(<parent>)<fieldname> of value <value>\\ | <from|to>(<parent>)<fieldname> of value <value(|value..)>\\ |
e.g.\\ | e.g.\\ |
fromclassNumber 24\\ | fromclassNumber 24\\ |
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'from' rules are additive - all must match in order for the 'to' rules to take effect. | 'from' rules are additive - all must match in order for the 'to' rules to take effect. |
| Value in 'from's can be in the form aaa|bbb|ccc where any of the supplied values aaa, bbb or ccc will be matched against the object. |
| Value in 'to' is singular, and will replace the field value in the object. |
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To create additional effects, just create another trigger object and add properties to that too. | To create additional effects, or "or" cases, just create another trigger object and add alternate properties to that too. |
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An additional property of name "invisibletoself" is available. Setting this to 1 will, for any change affecting an avatar or its immediate child objects (e.g, the head,) not show the change to that particular avatar's owner - only everybody else in the region will see the change. This is what the original Bunny Dayz plugin did, and was a cuase of much confusion and merriment. | An additional property of name "invisibletoself" is also available. Setting this to 1 will, for any change affecting an avatar or its immediate child objects (e.g, the head,) not show the change to that particular avatar's owner - only everybody else in the region will see the change. This is what the original Bunny Dayz plugin did, and was a cuase of much confusion and merriment. |
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| Each trigger object is processed in turn. Thus a change made in one might be tested against by another, and changes may overwrite previous changes. Usually triggers are processed in database-object-id order, but this is not guaranteed and is mostly invisible to the end user. It is therefore advisable not to construct triggers that might conflict. |
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To see what properties are already set on your trigger object, say **/proplist <noid>** | To see what properties are already set on your trigger object, say **/proplist <noid>** |