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Bunny Dayz Two

If installed, this plugin allows for on-the-fly changes of object attributes, based on existing attributes. This is purely a display override - no changes to the database are made, and thus the effect is non-permenant.

This plugin is in active development; if you cannot achieve what you want, ask, and it may be extended.

Create an object of type <204 Bus Stop> -temporary id; this may change.

Set properties on this in the form
<from|to>(<parent>)<fieldname> of value <value>
fromclassNumber 24
fromparentimageURL a.AthleticFem.img
toimageURL “h.bunnyR.img”

This would make any object with a classNumber of 24, i.e., a head, with a parent object with the AthleticFem image, i.e. that particular body type, and it would change the head to a bunny. Or in short, anybody with a AthleticFem body will appear with bunny heads.

'from' rules are additive - all must match in order for the 'to' rules to take effect.

To create additional effects, just create another trigger object and add properties to that too.

An additional property of name “invisibletoself” is available. Setting this to 1 will, for any change affecting an avatar or its immediate child objects (e.g, the head,) not show the change to that particular avatar's owner - only everybody else in the region will see the change. This is what the original Bunny Dayz plugin did, and was a cuase of much confusion and merriment.

To see what properties are already set on your trigger object, say /proplist <noid>

builders/bunnydayz.1656779583.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/02 16:33 by amanda