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The Paint Bot

Hidden away 1) in the A-Mart is Claire, our resident paintbot. If you know the colors you want, and there is no suitable combination of existing spraycans, then she's here to help!

Claire responds to simple spoken commands. She's not very bright, as the AI-driven brain is still on backorder, so you have to fairly precise in what you say. However, once you do so, she'll generate a custom spraycan for you and hand it over. You will need to have empty hands if you are expecting this to happen…

Here are some of the commands you can use. Each one is prefixed paint please as there is no harm in being polite, even to a bot.

Where this list says <colorcode> you should replace it with a sequence of 16 numbers that represent the range of colors you want to, ultimately, paint something with. e.g. 170 171 174 177 178 75 74 73 72 71 170 171 172 173 174 1

Valid codes are 1 - 255, as per the chart below. Please note that you cannot use codes 0 (transparent) or 255 (glass) as these do not render when used in this manner.

paint please head <colorcode> <newname>
paint please body <colorcode> <newname>
paint please turf <colorcode> <newname>

  • Creates a new custom spraycan of the specified type with this code. You don't have to give it a name, as Claire will create a name for this can for you, but it might help you later..
  • e.g. paint please head 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 1 42 81 82 84 168 Fuzzy Brunette

paint please refill

  • if you are holding an empty spraycan, custom or bought, she'll refill it for you!

paint please list

  • This will list all the paints you've already created!

paint please head <name>
paint please body <name>
paint please turf <name>

  • Claire will create a new can for you using a previously saved code with the name you, she, or even somebody else gave it!
  • This also allows you, if you have the need, to create a spraycan of a different type to the original.

paint please save head <newname>
paint please save body <newname>

  • Claire will examine you and, without making any judgement, take your current paint code and save it to the name you gave, or a new name if you didn't mention one.

paint please delete <newname>

  • If you found a paint was not what you wanted, and you know you'll never use it, this command will allow you to delete the saved reference.
  • e.g. paint please delete pink blush

Finally.. saying /paintbot help will give you a brief summary of these commands.

go right three times after entering
paint/paintbot.1646060678.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/28 15:04 by amanda