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This is a novel feature of the AltAway server.

A spawner will create, endlessly, new objects that are placed in the world unglued.

To create a spawner, simply set common_flags on any object to 65536 + normal value. You may be best setting INVISIBLE and IMMOBILE, so flags value would be 65539.

New object is created at (spawner coordinates with Y–) only if there is no previous object still there.

New object is created with INVISIBLE, IMMOBILE, GLUED all cleared.

Set properties on the prototype -

respawnTime - how long in seconds before respawning. Either a fixed number e.g. 10, or a range e.g. 60-120. If a range, a random number is chosen between these ranges. Default is 10-120.
spawnCheckFrequency - how often, in seconds, to check if this item needs to be replaced. Default 20.

- timing is approximate and dependent on global ticker frequency too.

builders/spawner.1615293874.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/09 12:44 by amanda