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Builder class.

functionEnable is a bitmask
1 - Engrave 5302
2 - Edit Tell Me About 5306
4 - Create Object 5310
8 - Duplicate Object 5314
16 - Modify Object ?
32 - Destroy Object 5318

0 - allow only if owner
1 - allow in any locale

normally allows use on a small set of classes.
2 - allow on all classes bar 21, 60, 32, 41.

1 - if clear, only allow on objects with common_flag | 2048
4 - if clear, onlt allow on objects with common_flag | 512 NOT set
8 - if clear, only allow on objects with common_flag | 2 (immovable) NOT set

builders/builder.1628982814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/14 23:13 by amanda