Bingo Host Bot Janet

Hi, my name is Janet and I'm your Bingo Host!


Call Janet: Type play bingo in you input line (talk or think mode). Janet will appear or if she is already busy send you an ESP containing an information, where to go to join the bingo party.

Playing Bingo with Janet: If Janet appears, follow her instruction soon to register your card using your bingo player card software that is hopefully installed and running, please use only ONE card. There is no real closing countdown yet.. so register fast (about 45 sec time to do) . No Bingo Card? See Bingo for Player card Software info.

Getting help: ESP Janet help.. you will get short list of commands you may ESP to her next

Getting ride of the friendly Bot : Don't worry.. Janet will leave you if no one will register any more.. hopefully she will also auto quit if no one but her is left in the local.. but you never knows what she is doing before <veg>.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Janet was born on 19. Feb 2021 … so she is young is still learning.. so be nice to her and report any problems to her mother, Amanda…