====== Slot Machine ====== There is currently one slot machine in-world, as a technology test. It costs 10 tokens to play. Winning combinations Banana, any, any - 10T \\ Banana, Banana any - 20T \\ Three Bananas - 100T \\ Three Tokens - 1000T \\ Three Rings - 10000T \\ Any other three matching symbols - 500T\\ Banana, Apple, Orange - a special prize that may change monthly. Bananas crop up frequently on the reels; other symbols less so... Reels are a predefined sequence of symbols, of different lengths and composition. The position each real stops is chosen by a cryptographically secure random number generator, and no other algorithms. The results are thus totally random, and not subject to any rationing, percentage payouts, or similar mechanisms used to cheat you out of your hard earned tokens. There is no mechanism to force a particular result (which would have helped me in testing!)