====== Houston's Bingo Host ====== **Note:** Because the Host Program is a more complex tool to handle, it will take some extra personal afford to learn how to use it and even some practice to host a game with real players. So PLEASE READ THE FINE HELP pages, Houston sets up and ask some friends to practice hosting as players with you. ===== Get the software ===== [[http://houstonsprograms.uk/programs/hosters/bingo/bingo.html]] ===== Install the Software ===== The download will result in a setup file called BingoHostSetup.exe. Run the installer and remember to select the create Desktop Icon Option **This has been confirmed to work for:** * Windows 7 pro 64 bit on Visual Box by [[:Quax]] (22.Feb 2021) **NOT WORKING (yet)** * Linux / Wine {{ :games:houston_host_1.png?nolink | Start Screen of Houston's Bingo Host}} ===== Hosting a Bingo game ===== see Houston's great Help page: [[http://houstonsprograms.uk/programs/hosters/bingo/bingohelp.html]]