This is a draft article that describes a feature that is not yet available in Avagoria/AltAway main worlds. ====== Multi Language Support ====== The AltAway server now has multilingual capabilities. The client-side scripting has been extensively re-written to accommodate this. If you now say, for example:\\ **/language de**\\ then all server and client messages will switch to German. This includes menus and pop-up dialogue boxes. You can also say\\ **/language help**\\ and the sever will respond with a list of available languages. Supported languages are:\\ en - English - the usual default you are used to.\\ de - German\\ ko - Korean - requires you to be running on a Korean Windows with cp949 character set available. In this mode, we also support you using gcity99.exe, the Glass City client, rather than wa32.exe\\ ja - Japanese - requires you to be running on a Japanese Windows with cp932 character set available. In this mode, we also support you using j-chat.exe rather than wa32.exe. Japanese translations are currently limited to most menu items. We welcome contributions from speakers of the language, as we would welcome any other languages that you might wish to contribute.