Comments below each image


underconst_0.gif (1627 bytes) underconst_1.gif (1308 bytes) underconst_2.gif (1090 bytes)
0 1 2
underconst_3.gif (1427 bytes) underconst_4.gif (1110 bytes) underconst_5.gif (1125 bytes) underconst_6.gif (1124 bytes)
3 4 5 6
Paintable except black stripes Paintable Non-paintable Paintable except black stripes
underconst_7.gif (2217 bytes) underconst_8.gif (2284 bytes) underconst_9.gif (2224 bytes) underconst_10.gif (2169 bytes)
7 8 9 10
Legs Paintable Legs and front board Paintable Legs and from board Paintable Paintable except black stripes
underconst_11.gif (1231 bytes) underconst_12.gif (1231 bytes) underconst_13.gif (1092 bytes) underconst_14.gif (1333 bytes)
11 12 13 14
Paintable except black stripes Paintable