Image URL is above each image or group of images

Chore state, if applicable, is below each image

Comments are below each image

o.walrbn.img o.decoeagl.img o.GHOST.DIR.img
walrbn.gif (1854 bytes)
Paintable Non-paintable
o.sconce.img o.suggestbox.img o.stnbrd.img o.ghost.img
sconce.gif (922 bytes) suggestbox_0.gif (2073 bytes) suggestbox_1.gif (1909 bytes) stnbrd.gif (1520 bytes)
  0 1    
Paintable Non-paintable Non-paintable Non-paintable
o.torchwal.img o.scarcrow.img o.bevglass.img  
torchwal.gif (4010 bytes) scarcrow.gif (4430 bytes)  
Animated Animated    
Paintable Paintable Non-paintable  
o.flags1.img o.champillar.img o.pillarpop.img o.pillarpop2.img
    Animated; bubbles for o.champillar.img
Paintable, animated Non-paintable Paintable
o.owlanim.img b.jukeplain.img o.doctorbed.img
animated animated  
Paintable Paintable Paintable
o.xrays.img o.coloramp.img o.cashier.img o.pileings.img
    no front view  
Non-paintable Paintable Paintable Paintable
o.mystpour.img o.mystorqe.img o.myslippr.img o.mooring.img  
Animated 0 1 2 3 0 1    
Non-paintable Non-paintable Non-paintable Paintable  
o.mapcompass.img o.stationmap.img
0 1 2 3  
Paintable Non-paintable
o.magzap.img o.invisibleblack.img o.invisible.img  
0 1 2 3 4 5 6      
Paintable These make the object invisible