Foods - See Seasonal for seasonal type candy

Image URL is above each image or group of images

Chore state and comments are below each image

o.vvcheese.img o.truffels.img
vvcheese_0.gif (1137 bytes) vvcheese_1.gif (1129 bytes) vvcheese_2.gif (1245 bytes) vvcheese_3.gif (966 bytes) vvcheese_4.gif (967 bytes) truffels_0.gif (854 bytes) truffels_1.gif (855 bytes) truffels_2.gif (851 bytes) truffels_3.gif (852 bytes) truffels_4.gif (851 bytes) truffels_5.gif (854 bytes) truffels_6.gif (856 bytes) truffels_7.gif (858 bytes)
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Non-paintable Paintable Paintable Non-paintable Paintable Non-paintable
o.sausage.img o.bagette.img o.TGgame.img o.TGturkey.img
sausage.gif (1115 bytes)
Chore state changes holding point 0 1 0 1 2 3 4  
Paintable Non-paintable; front and side view of each Non-paintable
o.foodsummer.img o.hambaked.img o.fruit.img
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Paintable Non-paintable Non-paintable
o.cukihart.img o.chocchip.img o.cassarole.img o.candyR.img
Non-paintable Non-paintable Non-paintable Paintable Paintable
o.cake.img o.cake2.img o.cake3.img o.cakeslys.img o.pprmint.img
0 1        
Cake paintable Non-paintable Paintable Non-paintable Non-paintable
o.pnutpopcrn.img o.pie.img o.pieslice.img o.myspudin.img
0 1       0 1 2 3
Non-paintable Non-paintable Non-paintable Paintable Non-paintable
o.ironskillet.img o.icecream.img o.garlic.img    
0 1 0 1 2 3 4      
Food paintable; chore 1 animated Paintable Non-paintable